Keywords: system analysis, cyber-physical system, game theory, criterion


Cyber-physical systems (CPS), along with cyber-biological and cybersocial systems, have recently become one of the key elements of modern infotelecommunications systems. The Internet of Things, as a revolutionary concept of the past few years, is a fundamental concept in the context of SPS. However, unlike the Internet of Things, which primarily emphasizes machine-to-machine connections, the SPS concept is based on the dualism of physical and cybernetic (information) environments. Turning to the applied field, we should note the trend towards informatization of many elements of the world around us. The degree of penetration ranges from sensors transmitting information about the state of a living organism to precise models describing the current state of an element within a smart production. This paper deals with the problem related to the control of cyber-physical systems under conditions where various random external influences are exerted on them. On the basis of game theory, the paper proposes, taking into account various criteria, to carry out the choice of control. Examples of calculations are considered.


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Author Biographies

Tatiana V. Avetisyan, Voronezh Institute of High Technologies

project specialist VIVT

Jakov E. Lvovich, Voronezh Institute of High Technologies

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Andrey P. Preobrazhenskiy, Voronezh Institute of High Technologies

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite
Avetisyan, T., Lvovich, J., & Preobrazhenskiy, A. (2023). APPLICATION OF GAME MODELS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMS. International Journal of Advanced Studies, 13(2), 7-19.
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